Joanne Essig Stewart, President, Goodworks Advisory Group
Phone/Fax: 914.763.8856
Email: jstewart@goodworksadvisorygroup.com
Joanne Essig Stewart, Co-Founder and President of goodworks Advisory Group, LLC, has over 30 years of experience working in the corporate and nonprofit sectors, working with businesses and nonprofits of all sizes, from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.
Joanne is an innovative brand strategist, expert marketer, persuasive grant writer and communicator and inspiring team leader. She infuses critical thinking, fresh ideas and sound strategies into successful tactics and action plans that address her client’s complex business challenges and achieve results. A new breed of solutions oriented leader, Joanne blends a successful track record of nonprofit management expertise including fundraising, strategic planning, grant writing and research, board development and brokering powerful collaborative partnerships, with specialized proven ability in brand identity and case statement development, marketing and communications planning and creating content and messaging that inspires and mobilizes people to action.
Over the past 16 years, Joanne has helped raise millions of dollars by providing thorough grant prospect research, winning grant proposals and strong fundraising and leadership support to Westchester and Putnam County nonprofit organizations working in the fields of theater arts, healthcare, human services, education, child care, domestic violence, volunteer services and youth development. In 2016, the Association of Development Officers named Joanne Stewart Development Professional of the Year.
Joanne’s belief that successful fundraising requires powerful branding, marketing and communications stems from her diverse business background. As an independent marketing consultant, she provided award winning marketing communications services to businesses in Westchester County, and prior, held senior marketing positions at Elizabeth Arden, Inc., including Worldwide Fragrance Director, and at J. Walther Thompson, where she managed media strategy and investment for global clients.
From 2009 – 2011, Joanne co-authored a column in the Westchester County Business Journal, providing insight on critical issues faced by nonprofits, foundations and corporate citizenship programs in Westchester.
Joanne has served on numerous boards of directors and community committees and is currently Vice President of Grant Professionals of Lower Hudson. Joanne is also a member of the Association of Development Officers and Grant Professionals Association.
Joanne holds an MBA in Marketing from Fordham University and a BS Degree in Business and Psychology from SUNY Albany.