Whether you are a Nonprofit, Foundation, or are engaged in Corporate Citizenship, we are your single source for fundraising, marketing and nonprofit management tools and expertise to ignite and empower your philanthropic passions and mission.
goodworks can transform the effectiveness of your organization with creative and actionable solutions to your fundraising and business challenges, so you can focus your valuable resources on the real business of achieving mission.
Click here to learn more about our Good Work with Nonprofits.
goodworks provides strategies, solutions and assistance to your private, community or family foundation so you can manage the complex task of meeting fundraising goals, maximizing the impact of charitable dollars and ensuring your philanthropic vision.
Click here to learn more about our Good Work with Foundations.
Corporate Citizenship
Being a good corporate citizen is also good business. goodworks can help your corporation or business align philanthropic goals with your core business mission to attract investment, enhance public image, engender customer loyalty, improve employee morale and increase revenues.
Click here to learn more about our Good Work with Corporations and Businesses.